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<個人消費> 大型小売店売上高、コンビニエンスストア販売額、ドラッグストア同は来店客数の減少などが一部にみられるものの、値上げ効果で増加。ホームセンター同と家電販売同は、横ばい圏内の動き。乗用車販売は一部で受注鈍化がみられるものの、供給制約の影響が和らぐもとで登録ベースでは持ち直している。サービス消費は、大型連休中の観光需要の盛り上がりに加え、新型コロナの「5類」移行に伴う消費マインドの改善もあって回復。

<公共投資> 4月の公共工事請負金額は前年同月に比べて5.9%の減少。工事出来高ベースでは持ち直している。

<住宅投資> 3月の新設住宅着工戸数は、前年同月比46.4%の大幅減。

<設備投資> 3月短観(県内)の設備投資計画によると、5年度は製造業が前年度比55.6%の大幅増、非製造業が同8.8%の減少を見込んでいるため、全産業では同43.8%増加し、3年連続で前年を上回る計画。

<生産> 主力の電子部品・デバイスは横ばい圏内の動き、食料品は増加、汎用・業務用機械は堅調推移、生産用機械は供給制約の影響などが続いて弱含み。

雇用・所得> 3月の有効求人倍率は1.33倍で、前月の1.42倍から低下した。2月の現金給与総額、雇用所得はともに前年を上回った。 (午後4時)


By English

The Bank of Japan's Akita branch announced on the 22nd the summary of the financial and economic situation in the prefecture for May. Regarding the local economy, it stated that it has been "recovering" for eight consecutive months. Individual items were upwardly revised for employment and income, while the remaining five items remained unchanged from the previous month's assessment.

(Personal Consumption) While there are some signs of decrease in large-scale retail store sales, convenience store sales, and drugstore customer visits, there has been an increase due to price increases. Home center sales and household appliance sales have remained stable. Although there are some indications of sluggish orders in automobile sales, the impact of supply constraints has eased, resulting in a recovery in terms of registrations. In the service consumption sector, there has been a recovery due to increased tourism demand during the Golden Week holidays and improved consumer sentiment following the transition to the "Phase 5" of the novel coronavirus.

(Public Investment) The amount of public construction contracts in April decreased by 5.9% compared to the same month of the previous year. However, based on construction output, it has been recovering.

(Housing Investment) The number of new housing starts in March decreased significantly by 46.4% compared to the same month of the previous year.

(Capital Investment) According to the March Short-Term Economic Survey in Akita Prefecture, the investment plans for the manufacturing industry anticipate a significant increase of 55.6% compared to the previous year, while the non-manufacturing industry expects a decrease of 8.8%. Consequently, the overall industry plans to increase by 43.8%, surpassing the previous year for the third consecutive year.

(Production) The main electronic components and devices have remained stable, food products have increased, general-purpose and business machinery have shown steady growth, while production machinery has been weak due to ongoing supply constraints.

(Employment and Income) The effective job offers-to-applicants ratio in March was 1.33, a decrease from the previous month's 1.42. The total amount of cash earnings and employment income in February exceeded the previous year. (4:00 PM)
