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<大館市> 4月の平均気温は平年を2度上回る10.2度で、同月の観測史上4番目に高い。29日は最高気温が25度を観測し、今年最初の夏日に。月降水量は平年を34ミリ、26.7%上回る152.5ミリで、26日の36.5ミリと7日の35ミリで月全体の半分近くを占めた。月間日照時間は平年比38.1時間、23%増の204時間。

<北秋田市鷹巣> 4月の平均気温は平年を1.7度上回る9.9度で、同月の観測史上5番目に高い。日中の最高気温が最も高かったのは、29日の23.5度。月降水量は130.5ミリで、平年を27.1ミリ、26.2%上回った。7日の33.5ミリと26日の29ミリで月全体の半分近くを占めた。月間日照時間は平年比32.4時間、18.9%増の203.7時間。

<鹿角市> 4月の平均気温は平年を1.5度上回る8.9度で、同月の観測史上5番目に高い。日中の最高気温が最も高かったのは、20日の22.6度。月降水量は90ミリで、平年(89.2ミリ)とほぼ同水準だった。月間日照時間は平年比33.3時間、21%増の191.7時間。


By English

According to the April weather statistics compiled by the Japan Meteorological Agency on May 1st, the most notable feature in the major three cities of northern Akita was the high average temperature. In Odate City, it was the fourth highest in recorded history, while in Kakunodate and Kazuno City, it was the fifth highest. On April 29th, Odate City recorded the first summer day of the year.

Odate City: The average temperature in April was 10.2 degrees Celsius, which is 2 degrees higher than normal and the fourth highest in recorded history for the month. On April 29th, the highest temperature was 25 degrees Celsius, which marked the first summer day of the year. The monthly precipitation was 152.5 millimeters, which is 26.7% higher than normal and 34 millimeters higher than the average. It rained almost half of the month's total precipitation on April 7th and 26th, which were 35 millimeters and 36.5 millimeters, respectively. The monthly sunshine duration was 204 hours, which is 38.1 hours, or 23%, higher than normal.

Takanosu KitaAkita City: The average temperature in April was 9.9 degrees Celsius, which is 1.7 degrees higher than normal and the fifth highest in recorded history for the month. The highest daytime temperature was recorded on April 29th at 23.5 degrees Celsius. The monthly precipitation was 130.5 millimeters, which is 27.1 millimeters, or 26.2%, higher than normal. Almost half of the month's total precipitation was recorded on April 7th and 26th, which were 33.5 millimeters and 29 millimeters, respectively. The monthly sunshine duration was 203.7 hours, which is 32.4 hours, or 18.9%, higher than normal.

Kazuno City: The average temperature in April was 8.9 degrees Celsius, which is 1.5 degrees higher than normal and the fifth highest in recorded history for the month. The highest daytime temperature was recorded on April 20th at 22.6 degrees Celsius. The monthly precipitation was 90 millimeters, which is almost the same as the normal amount of 89.2 millimeters. The monthly sunshine duration was 191.7 hours, which is 33.3 hours, or 21%, higher than normal.
